Sunday 20 November 2011

My first (and second) Halloween pumpkin

This year I carved Halloween pumpkin for the 1-st time in my life. Thanks to my mother-in-laws advices and internet the result was quite good. I carved first 'trial' one on Tuesday and made a few photos of it. After spending 3 days in the fridge it still looked quite good on Friday, but I decided to carve another one.
My 2-nd pumpkin (on the left, with an owl). Behind it angry face eating poor little tomato was made by my mother-in-law. 

2 photos of my 1-st attempt. By the way, craft knife is really good for pumpkin carving. You just need to make sure that pumpkin wall width is less then the length of knife blade.

And my Halloween make-up )))

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